In a continuation on my theme of nature, I've written a new poem.
I hope you enjoy reading it - let me know what you think.
Happy reading!
Lake of Reflection
The lake holds many surprises.
Its surface is rarely the same
palette twice.
One day it embraces blue,
on another it records grey murk
of an endlessly wet May.
Recalled on a smartphone reel:
a memory of April 2021 with
clouds captured in eternity.
Calm is instilled, distilled
alongside the image
of reflected glory.
This lake shows a few its secrets,
when in early morning moments
Nature's paintbrush deftly glides.
Framed in mind for
later, private meditation,
as indoors beckons once more.
No ounce of the elements
is wasted, no energy
expended that is not replenished.
Only time is consumed, eaten,
used in the act and the art,
when the art demands all resource.
The lake gave up the treasures
on that day in April,
the day of affirmation.
The photo on the smartphone
preserved the sight, the ripple,
all delicate fabric of the cloud.
Serenity was captured for
use by the viewer,
and perhaps selected others.
Remaining now as a signal,
a cue to seek the daily
patterns of Nature’s portfolio.
